Section 9: ImageShop

Jed Rembold and Eric Roberts

Week of October 28th

Adding Commands to ImageShop

  • When you download the starter template for ImageShop, it already implements the viewing area along with the Load and Flip Vertical buttons.
  • To add a new command to ImageShop, you need to add code to accomplish the following steps:
    • Add a new callback function that handles the click action for the button.
    • Add the new button to the window.
    • Implement the image transformation function.
  • These code fragments appear in different parts of the program, but you can use Flip Vertical as a guide illustrating what you need to do.

Problem 1: Correct the Red-Eye Effect

  • When you take a picture of a face, the light from the flash often reflects off the blood vessels in the retina, making the pupils of the eye appear bright red. This phenomenon is called the red-eye effect and looks like the image to the right.
  • This effect is generally unwanted, and thus a common operation is to try to remove it.

The Red-Eye Operation

  • Your job in this problem is to implement a Red Eye button that:
    • Goes through each pixel checking to see if it is overly red
      • “Overly red” here is if the red component is at least twice the max of the blue and green components
    • If a pixel is overly red, replace it with a pixel where the red component has been lowered to equal the max of the blue and green components

Red-Eye Corrected

def correct_red_eye(image):
    """Creates a new GImage that reduces the red-eye effect."""
    array = image.get_pixel_array()
    height = len(array)
    width = len(array[0])
    for r in range(height):
        for c in range(width):
            pixel = array[r][c]
            rr = GImage.get_red(pixel)
            gg = GImage.get_green(pixel)
            bb = GImage.get_blue(pixel)
            if rr >= 2 * max(gg, bb):
                rr = max(gg, bb)
            array[r][c] = GImage.create_rgb_pixel(rr, gg, bb)
    return GImage(array)

Problem 2: Doubling an Image

  • Another common image transformation is that of scaling, where the image is made either larger or smaller
  • When doing so, there is always a mismatch in the number of pixels in the larger vs the smaller image that needs to be resolved
  • Enlarging an image by a factor of 2 means copying the same pixel from the smaller image 4 times into the larger images
  • Your task here is to add a button called Double which will double the current size of an image.

Doubling: A Visual

Doubling Steps

  • Accomplishing this task thus means:
    • Creating a new 2D array of the desired dimensions
    • Looping over the original image pixels
    • Copying each pixel value to its four new locations in the new array
      • How do you determine the rows and columns of these new locations?
      • Draw yourself a picture!
      • Work through a few examples (Where does the (0,0) pixel need to go? What about the (1,0) pixel?) to work out the pattern.

Doubling Solution

def double_image(image):
    array = image.get_pixel_array()
    height = len(array)
    width = len(array[0])
    new_array = [ 
          [0 for c in range(width * 2)] for r in range(height * 2)
    for r in range(height):
        for c in range(width):
            pixel = array[r][c]
            new_array[2*r][2*c] = pixel
            new_array[2*r][2*c+1] = pixel
            new_array[2*r+1][2*c+1] = pixel
            new_array[2*r+1][2*c] = pixel
    return GImage(new_array)

Problem 3: Cumulative Histograms

  • Write a function

    def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):

    that takes a histogram array hist and returns a new array in which each value in an index represents the sum of all values in hist up to and including that index.

  • This new array is called the cumulative histogram.
  • In solving this problem, you should refer back to the histogram problem you wrote for Problem Set 5 for the definition of the histogram array. In particular, you can use the function create_histogram_array to create a histogram array to feed into create_cumulative_histogram.

Example: Cumulative Histogram

  • As an example, suppose that you have executed the following lines:

    SCORES = [ 8, 7, 8, 6, 8, 10, 4, 9, 6, 9, 7, 8 ]
    histogram_array = create_histogram_array(11, SCORES)

    using create_histogram_array as you implemented it for PS5 to create the following histogram array:

  • The corresponding cumulative histogram should look then like:

Solution 1: Keeping a Running Total

def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):
    Returns the cumulative histogram corresponding to the histogram
    array hist.  Index k in the cumulative histogram indicates the
    number of values less than or equal to k in the original 
    chist = [ 0 for i in range(len(hist)) ]
    total = 0
    for i in range(len(hist)):
        total += hist[i]
        chist[i] = total
    return chist

Solution 2: A Pythonic One-Liner

# Implementation notes: create_cumulative_histogram
# -------------------------------------------------
# This implementation of create_cumulative_histogram uses the Python
# features of list comprehension, slicing, and the library sum function
# to reduce the code to a single line.  Each element in the comprehension
# is the sum of all the elements at or below that index.  This version
# performs many more additions than the expanded version because the
# sum is recomputed each time.

def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):
    Returns the cumulative histogram corresponding to the histogram
    array hist.  Index k in the cumulative histogram indicates the
    number of values less than or equal to k in the original sample.
    return [ sum(hist[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(hist)) ]

Optional Problem: Overlay

  • Implement an Overlay button for ImageShop that creates a new picture by interleaving the pixels from the current image and an image loaded from a file.
  • In the new image, pixels come from the current image if the sum of the row and column is even, and from the loaded image if that sum is odd.
  • If you use overlay to combine Starry Night with the image of Earth, you get the following image:
  • Note that these images are not the same size, so you need to account for that!

Overlay Solution:

def overlay(image):
    # Get the second image
    filename = choose_input_file()
    if filename != "":
        image2 = GImage(filename)

    # Process
    array1 = image.get_pixel_array()
    array2 = image2.get_pixel_array()
    min_height = min(len(array1), len(array2))
    min_width = min(len(array1[0]), len(array2[0]))
    for r in range(min_height):
        for c in range(min_width):
            if (r + c) % 2 == 1:
                array1[r][c] = array2[r][c]
    return GImage(array1)
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