Jed Rembold and Eric Roberts
Week of October 28th
def correct_red_eye(image):
"""Creates a new GImage that reduces the red-eye effect."""
array = image.get_pixel_array()
height = len(array)
width = len(array[0])
for r in range(height):
for c in range(width):
pixel = array[r][c]
rr = GImage.get_red(pixel)
gg = GImage.get_green(pixel)
bb = GImage.get_blue(pixel)
if rr >= 2 * max(gg, bb):
rr = max(gg, bb)
array[r][c] = GImage.create_rgb_pixel(rr, gg, bb)
return GImage(array)
def double_image(image):
array = image.get_pixel_array()
height = len(array)
width = len(array[0])
new_array = [
[0 for c in range(width * 2)] for r in range(height * 2)
for r in range(height):
for c in range(width):
pixel = array[r][c]
new_array[2*r][2*c] = pixel
new_array[2*r][2*c+1] = pixel
new_array[2*r+1][2*c+1] = pixel
new_array[2*r+1][2*c] = pixel
return GImage(new_array)
Write a function
def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):
that takes a histogram array hist
returns a new array in which each value in an index represents the sum
of all values in hist
up to and including
that index.
to create a histogram
array to feed into
.As an example, suppose that you have executed the following lines:
SCORES = [ 8, 7, 8, 6, 8, 10, 4, 9, 6, 9, 7, 8 ]
histogram_array = create_histogram_array(11, SCORES)
using create_histogram_array
as you
implemented it for PS5 to create the following histogram array:
The corresponding cumulative histogram should look then like:
def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):
Returns the cumulative histogram corresponding to the histogram
array hist. Index k in the cumulative histogram indicates the
number of values less than or equal to k in the original
chist = [ 0 for i in range(len(hist)) ]
total = 0
for i in range(len(hist)):
total += hist[i]
chist[i] = total
return chist
# Implementation notes: create_cumulative_histogram
# -------------------------------------------------
# This implementation of create_cumulative_histogram uses the Python
# features of list comprehension, slicing, and the library sum function
# to reduce the code to a single line. Each element in the comprehension
# is the sum of all the elements at or below that index. This version
# performs many more additions than the expanded version because the
# sum is recomputed each time.
def create_cumulative_histogram(hist):
Returns the cumulative histogram corresponding to the histogram
array hist. Index k in the cumulative histogram indicates the
number of values less than or equal to k in the original sample.
return [ sum(hist[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(hist)) ]
def overlay(image):
# Get the second image
filename = choose_input_file()
if filename != "":
image2 = GImage(filename)
# Process
array1 = image.get_pixel_array()
array2 = image2.get_pixel_array()
min_height = min(len(array1), len(array2))
min_width = min(len(array1[0]), len(array2[0]))
for r in range(min_height):
for c in range(min_width):
if (r + c) % 2 == 1:
array1[r][c] = array2[r][c]
return GImage(array1)